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A year older - embracing the gift of life

I am not making a wish this year.

Rather, I am making a pact with myself. A commitment to action. This year I am putting in the work where it matters - in my relationships.

Birthdays evolve. As a child my birthday was present. It was all about that day, the attention, the gifts I would receive, the fun I would have, and that was bliss. In my teenage years, my birthdays were future. Oh! I could not wait to grow up and 'finally live'. I would spend that day dreaming and anticipating about what my life would look like. I did not only make a wish while blowing out the candles, I made wishes. In my early twenties, I was mostly lost, confused and anxious. Now, my birthday is past.

Today I look around me with gratitude for the present, past and future. I am who I want to be, where I hoped to be, and with the people I am happy to be with.

Reflection is a good thing and now I realise that it comes with age and experience. I have come a long way in this journey of self discovery and it has all been worth it.

To more amazing years to come!

Happy birthday Paula. I love you.

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I love a good story! Most especially the relatable kind. 


After reading numerous books and getting lost in diverse stories, I have decided to start afresh ~ build a brand new bookshelf filled with old and new books.


The best part is that we get to build it together!

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